Over 3 million views!
Inundation Street is a pilot project funded by DARE. We created an immersive 360 video experience highlighting the impact of flooding on households. The video demonstrates some simple steps that can be taken to reduce these impacts. The YouTube video is available for free and will be exhibited using virtual reality headsets at events.
A full virtual reality demo of the application was shown at the Flood and Coast conference, with interest expressed by the Environment Agency. Discussions are in place with Hull City Council and the Living with Water partnership about using the application.
Inundation Street was built with multiple projects in mind. There’s an entire town built up, from the shops, to the river, to an entire house you can walk around in. Everything has been made with the future in mind, so as the project develops we can continue to build on our work so far without having to make everything from scratch. This way we keep the project moving and prevent excessive costs for our client.
BASED On Real Terrain DATA
Inundation Street is based on a real place. Using terrain data and our mapping software, we were able to recreate the topology of a real-world location. We then used reference imagery to give the street a personality, from the stone bridge to the local pub. Through this detail we’re able to create an immersive experience that goes beyond just the controls and creates a world that feels both rich and deep.
Educational and Entertaining
Our client, SeriousGeoGames, is always looking to work with us to develop new XR projects that are both educational and entertaining. Our multi-year partnership has seen the creation of many exciting projects, typified by more than 300,000 views on our Inundation Street educational video about what to do when your home floods. Watch this space for the next fantastic project to come from this collaboration!